Friday, September 19, 2014

America Is The Most Quickly Advancing Society On Earth

No group in America wants to stand for suppression, or repression.
Here, people keep demanding parity with their skill sets, and abilities to manipulate both creative power,and static knowledge.
As such, one small incremental step in America can reach around the world with quicker and quicker
Such a rapidly advancing society cannot easily co-exist on a smaller and smaller planet with societies
mired in ancient centuries.
When the ideological paths inevitably cross in these societal groups, the people unaccustomed to
finding safe passages for themselves and their families in rapidly moving and changing environments will be the ones who feel more acutely their ways of life threatened and disrespected.
Rapidly advancing societies tear at the fabric of what makes older societies most comfortable in their
Somehow, any tradition which gets threatened causes older civilizations to reach back even further in time for ones they feel have been tested by that time.
Sadly for the human race, those earlier times were necessarily much more brutal.
Though we didn't understand it in the sixties, time and tide had chosen America and in some cases its allies, to drag ancient societies kicking and screaming into modern centuries.
We have to do it; but our habitual exploitation of other peoples has almost inexorably complicated
our already complicated planetary mission.
Shortly after U.S. troops arrived in Vietnam, Buddhist monks were immolating themselves.
I am not saying we were right to enter or stay in that war, What I am saying is that Vietnam
went in a relatively short span of time from an agrarian society thousands of years old to building cars and selling them in our country!
I'd like us to to properly educate  maybe 100,000, 000 Ph.D.s who have rigorously
steadfast bona fides in many differing fields of endeavor, within perhaps the next fifty years.
Westerners are outnumbered in this world; but we do have so very many universities.
We cannot continue to approximate exploiting  people the way Afro-Americans were exploited to build this country in the first place.
Immigrants have told themselves they built this country, but at most they have built on it.
The U.S.A. was already a country when nearly every immigrant wave group arrived.
Those of us whose ancestors came here in the 17th and 18th century built the American fortune.
There are not all that many people left in America like that. But-
In this way, there was a country for immigrants to come to which was already developed.
And all that struggling we did, begat more struggling, from every group since then.
People who struggle are trying to get up, not down. Struggle is a natural impetus of advancement, not
a simpler working toward  a tried and true continuum.
Imperatives for survival in American culture  are practically DNA embedded.
Capitalism is the other powerful impetus stirring constant advancement.
People feel compelled to succeed in order to survive at all.
We can call aggressions war.
We can call anything geographic against anyone a state hostility.
We had better get used to defending our own way of life, though in ever-increasingly creative ways, or we are gong to wind up back into the twelfth century ourselves.

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