Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Is There A Problem?

We are not at war.
What part of 'we are not at war' seems so difficult for those watching the most obvious signs of war to absorb?
Is ISIL a nation?
Yes they their most furtive dreams?
Is Al Queda a nation?
Not at all.
Is Khorasan a country?

No it is not.
Is every military-looking response a war?
The Boston Marathon was not a war.
Ferguson may have been a near-war?
Some analysts believe President Obama cannot be against ISIL because they are an enemy of
Bashar al Asaad, and the President has said Asaad has lost all legitimacy.
Losing legitimacy, though, is the thing our President has decided is about 97% Asaad's problem.
The President weighed in; but decided not to take specific overt action.
If he changes his mind on that, he may let us know.
In the meantime, terrorists, not the Syrian government are threatening the U.S.
ISIL destructions may indeed help Asaad.
But let's remember that even though Asaad is not a leader who has our President's approval, one of the principal resentments Asaad instills among his detractors: He doesn't hate the West enough!
So once again, our President says ISIL has to go, even if it is in a country?
Is there a problem?

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