Thursday, September 18, 2014

Black Men Were Brutes UNTIL They Got To Their Women

Before the extremes of aggrandizement they do so richly deserve became as exxagerated as they have, black men forced to be beasts of burden in fields all day were good to their women in the principal place they could express a unique humanity- at home.
With the increased successes they've endured for their families, have come the pressures of knowing
they are still hierarchically in any organization, at or near the bottom of any niche, in the en masse way. Traditionally, though, black men were the absolute backbones, sometimes rarely seen in any location for long stretches of time, but the bracings, nonetheless, of their communities.
They didn't normally reject the women being used by self-entitled perverts like Thomas Jefferson.
Often, they'd comfort such women, take their minds off their troubles as best they could.
They didn't have helpmates in southern plantation communities. They were the helpmates.
So many times a man pledged himself to a woman and her children, knowing he was in no way to
be master of any of their fates.
So very many young black men worked from sun up to sun down to avoid sheer calamity in their
lives and the lives of the ones they loved. No other reason than that was available. The, they
sauntered off to lesser farms in the dead of night to work for some pay in order to buy their moms
out of slavery as mothers were sometimes lucky enough to age.
Traditionally, whatever any black man had, he shared with his loved ones. Black women often had
to consume their portions of anything right where they stood as they received it, in case they might
get some idea of being too nurturing to their own children.
Black men in the first part of the twentieth century, and even s a few into the 40's or 50's sometimes
helped sneak their mothers and sisters away from the south under cover of darkness so women could
escape someone in the majority culture who decided to make habitual use of them.
Harriet Tubman, who spoke only of abusive  physical violence at the hands of her 'master' when she was a child, always said her dad gave her all the tools she ever had or ever needed in her struggles to find and stay in a world free from the lash of a 'master' she hated.
Her mother fretted bitterly, Harriet is reported to have said many times, that a young girl was best obeying even a 'master' if it helped keep the family together.
Harriet's dad explained to her mother as gently as he could, that Harriet wasn't cut out to be sustain
Ms. Tubman said her father showed her everything the woods had to offer, and everything they offered to be feared.
He taught her all she ever needed to know to survive, and thrive.
Of course she did miss her family after the day finally arrived she knew she had to leave; and so she
lived the rest of her life honoring their sacrifice and her own.
She was no kindly gentle guide. People who found her for help lost a choice to reject it. If in those
times you asked for the Underground Railroad, you got on it, stayed on it, or got in it, and stayed in
it. She took no chances. I've heard and read it was best to follow her orders...exactly as she spoke them.
Until that point in history, every slave rebellion had been betrayed by a slave. Most plantation workers were terrified of the outside world, and of unknown chaos.
But what if Harriet Tubman had a dad to weak or fearful to help her become knowing? We don't
celebrate him much as black people. But I sure celebrate him all of the time in my own way, and n my own family.
Do we know how many hockey players hit family members?
Most women, especially majority women, don't even report abuse. Women don't usually understand that if the guy knocks you down, he gets a bigger thrill from doing it to you, literally or figuratively, than he could get from doing it to any other woman anywhere. In that way, you truly are unique for him. Women understand and warm to the feeling of being so unique- even when the status is based
in pain and degradation. Men get abused as well, but generally are raised to find their own way in
this world without ever becoming too dependent on any other person. Pregnant women may get
sidetracked while attempting to espouse that way of life.
Whereas black men have fallen of the personal nurturing wagon somewhat of late, they are by no
means committing the preponderance of crimes against women in this country, even when they play
football in the NFL.
They commit way less suicide than white men, statistically.
They commit way less incest.
They comprise way fewer lists of serial killers, numerically and proportionally.
I know black men may leave something to be desired in their personal family behaviors.
But why are we picking example after example of bad behavior without focusing on solutions?
Should we pay more attention to cessation of harm to women and children than to the job statuses
of a plethora of millionaires and their handlers?
I believe we should.

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