Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Americas Mid East Wars

America has such a skewered view of having begun wars in the Mid East.
The Kuwaiti people in no way wanted us to aggress Iraq in their country during the first Gulf War.
We were not welcomed as liberators by the population of the country in either Iraqi war we engaged. I could see the news spewing forth propaganda left and right.
In the first war most TV stations showed the exact same band of merry welcomers for U.S. troops
every newscast for the nearly the entire war.
After the war, the Kuwaiti government sent checks to all citizens who didn't leave the country during
the war.
Those citizens sent the money back, asking it be used to finance a vote the next time their country
wanted the U.S to fight a war there.
I guess the American public drank the Kool Aid because they were so accustomed to the
Ronald Reagan/ Margaret Thatcher rhetoric on glorious dominance of all things Western world.
At one point during the war, our media showcased rah rah braggers that Iraq's troops were
trapped and starving.
The next day, every news report cited disgust for the attacks Saddam's soldiers had done on zoo animals.
I thought yo myself: "Didn't they just say yesterday the soldiers were starving?"
To this day, I haven't heard a thing about a connection between the two reports from anyone in media.
Only a few news outlets, among them the then Wall Street Journal (It still exists; but is sometimes a lot less classy.) traced Saddam Hussein's public case for getting Iraq's land back since WWI was
completely over. Kuwait was only some land in the southern part of Iraq until the West decided to invent the new country, a country with lots of oil.
Rather than start talks when Saddam went repeatedly to the U.N.- the U.S. and ts allies decided to shut
him out of whatever he deserved regarding getting his land back in political solutions.
Fast forward to 911.
Nothing could have been more phony.
First of all, George W. wasn't President of the U.S. Anthony Scalia wasn't either.
So we were naturally destined for years of unworthy hell.
Second, the people of New York endured sheer terror after terror for hours and hours after the first
plane hit the first tower. People, police, and firemen kept getting torn from  moment to moment from
helping to running, from panic to offering assistance, to death, destruction, or barely escaping.
Where was George W. Bush?
Only the Lord knows.
He sure was no Henry V charging into the fray. Will he ever tell where he was after he left the
children he was reading to that day? Wherever he was, he stayed a good, long, long time.
People seemed afraid to even discuss that.
And where was the super coward Dick Cheney?
I'm sure I don't know. He was obviously even more important than George Bush, because he
was out of sight for nearly forever.
Both wars were a mess of ill-advised bullying. How are we going to get out of it? And when?
When is so frightening, because each time we want to believe it's over, it rears its ugly head as another, fiercer foe.
Al Gore was President.

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