Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bloomberg Made Certain The Black Community Paid 'The Five'

Michael Bloomberg taught police departments everywhere how to collect and fund from the black
Thank heavens a majority was glad to see him go.
Prosecutors were admitting most stops yielded absolutely nothing.
Still, people were arrested, given court dates, charged with something which could yield heavy fines
for the city.
Why have Wall Street pay its fare share?
Isn't this what built America- exploiting the lives and work of black people?
Bloomberg wanted to be famous for getting in on that too.
So many want to keep re-inventing the way America got rich.
That way, they can keep making others rich.
It makes them great in the eyes of all exploiters!
Finally, after so very many years, The Central Park Five have the money from their settlements
We can all rest assured that money came from so many phony harassments of the black community.
Bloomberg would have had the world believe black and Hispanic men put contraband in their
pockets every morning when waking, for years and years, because....?
Well there is no plausible because is there?
They would have realized years ago not to have contraband wouldn't they?
Apparently what they didn't learn, was not to expect any help or consideration when unarmed, knocked off their feet, saying "I can't breathe" in a custody choke hold.

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