Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Would A Celebrity In Her Own Right Stay?

Would The Notorious RBG have stayed?
Would Susan Rice have stayed?
Would Gabrielle Union have stayed?
Would Shirley Temple have stayed?
Would the awful Margaret Thatcher have stayed?
Would Queen Elizabeth stay?
Would Sonia Sotomayor have stayed?
Would Michelle Obama have stayed?
I could go on and on of course.
In time, I may do just that.
However, if the above-mentioned women cannot be imagined to have stayed,
would it be because they stopped loving?
No, I doubt it.
People ask me at times about Hillary Clinton. But that's a false equivalency in this
situation, because she had ambitions for her future which would have been ill-served by divorce;
and he, of all men on earth, had made her first lady of the United States of America
in furtherance of the very personal goals she held.

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