Monday, September 29, 2014

POTUS and Ferguson, MO In Dubai

My niece was in Dubai a couple of days after Mike Brown Jr. was killed.
She sat at a hotel restaurant where the overhead televisions were all on the news.
Her waiter looked up at the broadcasts in absolute disbelief, asking her- 'What did the black
people do to make the police so angry they got out tanks and gas?'
She had to answer. embarrassed- "Nothing, really."
While she was there too, Palestinians in the middle of terrible life-losing and children-losing
bombings were tweeting understanding and solidarity to American black people in Ferguson.
People all over the world are wondering how democracy has a bona fide leg to stand on in this world
when this is what we inflict on our own citizens- the citizens who actually did build this country.
If we are thinking six billion people all over the world still believe American exceptionalism should
survive based in the slaughter and exploitation of others by the white of skin, I think we certainly fool
POTUS was right to acknowledge to the rest of the world we haven't gotten it right yet.
We are three hundred million, torturing twelve million. Do we pretend the world doesn't know
and make the 'notes to self' they think could be appropriate? POTUS knows better than that.
And for what are we attacking a minority without provocation?  For bringing in the crop which ultimately paid for the war and defeat of the the most
powerful army and navy on the planet at the time- the British crown forces?
For providing the cash crops which built  Wall Street?
For providing the cash Harvard and Yale had in order to rise to existence from the mud?
See, even if America was fair to all its Black citizens, it would have to be fair to only about 3%
of its citizens at most.
We are about 4% of the population here, and some of us are too young to embrace full citizenship,
even though we don't want to be shot to death before reaching full adulthood.

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