Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NFL Players

Now is the time to hold professional ball players to the standards we have for boxers.
When Janay Palmer's head hit the elevator and the elevator floor, she could have sustained a hairline
fracture of her skull. That would likely have led to brain swelling, which could have led to lasting
brain damage or even death.
If her third, fourth, or fifth vertebrae had swollen, her gait could have been affected or even her ability to walk again.
If Ms. Palmer had gotten a concussion from Rice's blow, she again, could have suffered long-term
damage or even death.
Mr. Rice knew all of that, because he knows the protocol for himself or any other player on the
field when hit if players become unable to get up, or to get up quickly.
He must have known how dangerous it was for him to move her once she hit her head.
He must have known how dangerous it was for him to then drag her, and drop her.
He could easily have crippled her.
These pro ball players need to suffer meaningful prosecutorial penalty for using physical strength
against any person in any sort of altercation. These players have had millions of dollars of strength
and targeted strength skills training. In no way should they be allowed to use it out of anger or
frustration, especially not in ordinary society.
And none of them should get away with not calling immediately for help when they are in a situation where someone is injured. None of them should be allowed to get on the field without a passing grade
in a regular ethics, and/or a contact sports ethics class.
What happened to the emergency procedures nearly everyone has learned from first aid classes?
"Help, help, are you OK?"
And lastly- was he too tired to lean over her to re-position her leg if he had to move her at all?
Did he actually have to kick her?
Could he have walked around her out of respect?
Did he have to step over her?
He has shown nothing but public contempt for her from the moment her head hit that elevator floor.
I would be happy to see Janay Rice in any venue.
But I truly don't want to see Ray Rice do anything except volunteer at women's shelters.
I don't want to see Baltimore play if Ray Rice has to be involved.
I can't blame Mrs. Rice for marrying this insane man, or this man of insane behavior.
I'd have married him too. I would be terrified to incite him in any way for the longest time.
I think it is unfortunate she can blame the video and those playing it; but really, what else is there for
her to do at this moment? The press has to report news; but hopefully, for only the day it breaks.

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