Monday, September 29, 2014

Why Should We Put Boots On The Ground?

We did that already. Then, when the time came...
Saddam's troops made themselves part of all the other Iraqi War refugees.
We didn't stop all of Iraq's forces. We could never have stopped them all. They were sheltered in place by many of their brethren. And before we left Iraq-
Egypt had Iraqi refugees.
Syria had Iraqi refugees.
Jordan had Iraqi refugees.
Lebanon had Iraqi refugees.
Some richer countries got Iraqi refugees. Time passed.
America built up the remainder of the 'new' Iraqi forces. Then...
America left Iraq to end the wars of the Bushes.
POTUS, however, told America we would have to continue to fight terrorism wherever it landed.
Today, Saddam's people have reemerged.
While they were embedded with their own groups in every country where they fled, they waited to be stronger.
When they came back together to be fighting forces, they were fragmented; but officials here
believed they would not have to be called terrorists because they'd changed their names from Al Queda to many other monikers.
They do have to be called terrorists; and they have to be be contained, no matter where they are, as our President has told us many, many times.
If we put boots on the ground, we will lose many of our armed personnel in a variety of awful ways.
When we see no one left to fight there, what is left of Saddam's forces will scatter again, and again with as much of our money and armaments as they can gather.
Once more, we won't be able to account for them all.
Some of them are twelve and thirteen right now.
In ten years they will be twenty-two and twenty-three.
They will have older commanders, who can see to it that some in the Mid East will make sure their
hatred of the West gets well-funded.
If Iraqi government forces have been built up and funded once more by America, when they see they must fight their brother soldiers in forces previously split off from them  by our 'boots', they may once again tear off their uniforms, turn over their weaponry ( now even more advanced than it was years before) and go home until they figure out what force they may want to join.
That is exactly what they did in June of this year. History, even a history so odd, will repeat itself.
America will have a different President by then.
Will he have learned by then, that "boots" can be 'made for walkin'.
They don't have to be made for warfare.
Lest we allow ourselves to forget, Iraq does not exist. Maliki was not the biggest problem.
Iraq hated us during the first Gulf War.
Iraq hated us during the Iraq War.
Many, many groups in Iraq hate us now. ISIL is not lonely.
Iraq was divided up after WWI because they sided with Germany.
The country was divided up by the west.
If Russia were to come to your street right now, and put down a dividing line in the middle of the road, and tell you you on one side did not live in America any longer, would you feel you no longer
lived in America?
We can contain terrorism more effortlessly if we hit on the right formula for reuniting  Persians with their brothers.
We are not going to succeed by gunning them all into 'live and let live' regarding western civilization,
or American aggressors.
We split them up unnaturally, now it is our job to find out what divisions they can actually live with; and help them get to the desired boundaries if that's still possible.
'Live and let live' will have to be a sentiment they embrace toward one another.
Then, and only then, will they be able to turn it outward.

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