Tuesday, September 9, 2014

NFL: Do What A Michigan Judge Would Do

I can't understand why all the police, prosecutors, and courts in Baltimore have defaulted on their jobs- leaving the heavily lifting to you.
Are you, the NFL, a criminal court?
Were you to have imposed heavier punishment than the law for a criminal act?
I don't know what should have happened to Ray Rice's job; but I know the criminal justice system
dropped the ball, leaving you the blame.
The employer usually acts after the law is applied, and usually in accordance with what the law has
Since Baltimore has no teeth, maybe you should tear the steak of abuse for them
Make sure Rice and his wife live apart until his anger management work is signed off on by a
reputable therapist.
Make certain he pays all bills in and for both households on time.
Make certain he has very limited contact with Janay Rice, and make certain most of that contact is
under professional supervision.
Loss of a job is not the kind of punishment which can heal this family; and this family needs a lot of
Mrs. Rice seems to become more co-dependent by the moment, so she cannot heal without professional help.
This response of; "Who told?" is not evolved. The lack of evolved personality in these situations is
understandable, but not acceptable.
Had Mrs. Rice suffered a hairline skull fracture or concussion- her brain could have swollen. She could have wound up completely dependent, or dead. She isn't helping herself of Ray Rice to take
a chance on that happening again.
At least half the women who get abused blame themselves. Some professionals blame women.
Here's the thing: violence can't mend domestic abuse.
In this case, Rice did not publicly apologize to Mrs. Rice. He is a  ticking time bomb.

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