Thursday, September 11, 2014

But I Was Also A Little Right

We know POTUS will seek out and find terrorists wherever he must if they threaten the U.S. and
its citizens. He told us again, though there are different players, the goal in the 'game' is the same-
for them, and consequently for him...for us.
He told the whole Mid East right after the 2008 election, I won't strike out at you, if you aren't
striking out at me. I will begin no overt or covert threats you've previously endured from the U.S.
It seemed well-accepted by Muslims worldwide at the time. However, these new terrorists are
Saddam's people. Some are his political people, and some are his military people. Some were his
generals. some were his soldiers. Many are Baathists. Together they know both policy and warfare.
They know how these two things must be intertwined. They have the expertise to do the intertwining.
They know they lay of the land. They are well-funded. They are Saddam's survivors.
What part of  'we will cut your heads off' seems stuff and nonsense to us still?
Oh, we think the ISIL are satisfied now. They only wanted inoffensive journalists.
What part of  'Come fight us on the ground. We will see you in the White House', is something we
don't believe is a goal for them now? The Bushes started this, but we have to mitigate it.
Sure, we see ISIL goals as unachievable. However- their approach toward such goal, the unending awful means, while slogging toward the unachievable goal, has an ever-increasingly bloody footprint, leaving us the blame for their motivations. More and more of earth's citizens will give their hearts
and minds and allegiances to those who claim they'll  stop the sanguine seeking if America is
brought to heel.
So is that what we need to be waiting for then?
Or should we stop this 'seeking' dead in its tracks now, the best way we can?
Our President has allowed ISIL to identify itself.
Now we know much more about who not to arm in our attempts to help, if at all possible.

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