Saturday, September 6, 2014

Some Degrees Of The Populous Memory Staying Alive

I never met Robin Williams.
However, my friend worked at Ford, for another friend of mine who was a manager at World Headquarters there.
Both of these ladies did very well for themselves at Ford.
My friend who was in management retired as a millionaire before age sixty.
My friend who worked for her at Ford, worked under a V.P who was a level of V.P. under the
V.P. level Robin Williams' dad occupied.
In these business structures, not every Vice President slot is created equal to every other.
So my friend who worked more closely with the V.P. she could actually speak with at times, and
both my friends, actually were told never, ever to mention Robin Williams' name or fame, or work, to or in front of or within earshot of the Mr. Williams who was a top V.P. at Ford.
I don't know my friends other Ford friends.
However, when my buddy spoke with them about the comics' suicide, none of them felt he was attempting to die.
They all agreed attempting partial asphyxiation may accidentally be taken too far; but doesn't always
mean an attempt to achieve suicide.

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