Tuesday, September 2, 2014

No Way Could POTUS Go To Ferguson

What is wrong with some commenters?
Do they see POTUS is a politician?
Our President is a duly elected official as the leader of his party.
He was not elected as an Independent.
Even if he were, he couldn't exactly go to Ferguson as a President because all the weight of his
travel and his eventual presence would have been interpreted as that of a somewhat unofficial
black man.
Despite the grandiose claims of so many waves of post civil war immigrants, African and
African-American forefathers are the people who built America, and who made a democracy possible.
That 'shot heard 'round the world' was ammunition and weapon paid for by Virginia tobacco crops
brought forth by my ancestors, by degradation and sale of black bodies on the wharfs in the New York harbor which built Wall Street, by the made rich insurers of our ancestors, of their passage, and later of the crops they caused to thrive, by the Massachusetts' ship-building empires used in these violent  endeavors against our people, by the labor and delivery of moms in great sorrow who suffered breeding farms in Rhode Island, for instance.
We did build this.
And all these other races and nationalities who came here after we did- well, they came here to be white, even many Africans came hoping to be white, to reap the reward earned by people they
often considered "other".
How else could a man inherit someone elses' birthright, other than by coming to America?
As it is hard enough to live in this place, even after all these centuries, we don't need to wreck the gains we've made as long as we are still living here, even though we built this so other people's
children could be the ones to thrive.
Western Civilization is advanced, but not as old as many others which still manage to thrive and endure today.
American Society, if it remains so protective of the violent pockets of cretins it has created,  may not thrive as much as its unearned income has caused it to in the past.
In the meantime, however, we have to stick with those who have done all they could do for us and who continue to care for us in these difficult times. 'Those" meaning POTUS and co.
Burkina Faso hasn't opened her arms to us yet, and may not even want us as full citizens.
Let's not give POTUS a hard time as he tries his best to represent us well in this place.
We have to remember we live in America, where every Tom, Dick and Harry whose forefathers got
here after ours actually believes himself, herself to be related to George Washington, and
Thomas Jefferson, and all the other slave traders who caused us to make this country richer than Crocus.
Those related to men and women who came here anytime even before the Civil War don't stop to care
that before 1620, no settlements in America had declared a profit. The Africans first arrived in Virginia in 1619.
Though I have been known to confuse my British Kings, I know they did want slavery in these American colonies, much to the dismay of many colonists here.
Britain felt she needed to be paid back for the Indian Wars, the French And Indian War, etc. or She
might be unable to afford to defend herself in another armed conflict with European countries who
were already growing rich from the African slave trade.
Besides, British citizens were growing restless from poverty, hunger, and overwork.
My ancestors never knew what hit them.
And even today, those of us who do still love each other, well- we get dogs and tanks and gas attacks.
Give somebody else a hard time; not POTUS.
We have elections coming up in November.
President Obama is the leader of all the people, and the leader of the Democratic Party. Real Talk.

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