Friday, September 19, 2014

Ray Rice Is Not The NFL

Roger Goodell is not the NFL.
Cam Newton is a black man who fits the NFL bill by attempting to be what a weepy white man
wants him to be. That's fine. He has to do that, and is maybe is also of great character.
But there are many men in the NFL who are ordinary family guys. Some of them are black.
Other men in the NFL are lighting their wives up on a regular basis. Some of them are white.
The point is we can't get more spastic over a video than we do over actual abuse.
Maybe we'd better begin to treat abusers as individuals, even in the media, because the stated
statistics are beginning to sound like a racial rounding up.
White women are getting lit up every day in every way by white men in every profession.
Was the Violence Against Women Act about minority domestic abuse?
No. No it was not.
The NFL has to handle family abuse better because they need to be held to a higher standard; but the
truest and equally enforceable burden does belong to the criminal justice system.

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